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Blaina CSC Update 03.05.21

As the summer months are now becoming more present and restrictions are easing, we hope all of our supporters are keeping safe and well? With May now here we wanted to continue to update everyone with the current work completed and our planned work moving forward this month.

Brick Update

Since launching the buy a brick campaign in March, we have been blown away by the response from our supporters and community. As we are now planning the next steps moving forward within the new build of the club. We have decided to set a deadline on when we are going to place the first order of bricks. The last day to buy a brick is the 10th May at 12pm. Don't miss out on this opportunity and buy a brick today -

Building Update

Onto the building. Since our last update, there has been a number of developments and progress made. April was a big month with lots of exciting developments taking place.

  • The whole building is now finished being painted.

  • The electrics are now almost complete with the aim of them being completed this month.

  • We have begun the process of laying the floor throughout the building with the pre-flooring successfully laid. The floor itself will be fitted in the next few weeks.

  • Work has started on supplying the building with gas, hopefully, this will be completed by the end of this month.

  • The structure of the bar has now been built and we are now in the process of creating designer the decor of the bar.

As you can see from the list of updates above, there is a lot going on at the club at the moment and all of which requires a certain amount of investment. The best way to support these developments is by buying a brick today for yourself or a family member.

A big THANK YOU again to all those who have helped us get where we are today. We hope you all keeping safe and well. We can't wait to see everyone when it's safe to do so.

Blaina Community Sports Club

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